Generating leads can conjure images of cold calling and door knocking, but those aren’t the only ways to find new business. Start brainstorming your own lead-generation playbook with these strategies.

13 lead-generation actions to try today

  1. Offer free advice. Answer questions from consumers on your blog or social media accounts. 去Facebook上解释常见的买房或卖房神话,并回答评论里的问题.
  2. Regularly prospect your sphere. Check in with your professional and personal contacts on a rolling basis. 问问题,倾听,但不要出售,除非他们表示愿意接受.
  3. Throw a party and tell clients to bring a friend. 你也可以为卖家举办一个乔迁派对,并与他们的朋友和邻居联系.
  4. Use real estate business letter templates from NAR.
  5. Use RPR reports in lead-generation forms. REALTORS®2021十大正规彩票app资源(RPR)应用程序允许您从手机创建和电子邮件定制市场报告.
  6. Get a mortgage calculator for your website. 是否为你的目标市场创建了它并收集了用户的联系信息.
  7. Earn press coverage. Reach out to local real estate reporters and make yourself available as a source. You can also volunteer to be a regular real estate columnist.
  8. Host an educational event. 试着举办一次首次购房者研讨会或介绍家庭布置的技巧.
  9. Organize a giveaway.
  10. Create free downloads. 要求消费者输入他们的联系信息,以换取免费下载的提示有用的前景, such as buying and selling property in your market.
  11. Expand your charity work or take up new hobbies with social or group aspects.
  12. Make connections with other professionals, such as divorce or probate attorneys.
  13. Contact rental owners to ask if they are considering acquiring more properties.

No more cold leads

Not every lead you capture will be ready to buy or list with you today, but neglect it and there’s no guarantee that lead will be there later. With a focus on keeping leads warm and moving toward a transaction, 内部销售代理在2021十大正规彩票app行业越来越受欢迎,因为他们有能力最大限度地发挥每一个潜在客户的潜力.

“内部销售代理通常是拿员工工资的,他们整天都在办公室里,” Tim Heyl, the Austin-based leader for The Heyl Group, writes in an email. “Their role is to generate leads only.”

在线搜索将产生数十个虚拟助手和主要后续服务. Here are five that cater to real estate.

  • 电话动物:产生潜在客户,并使用内部销售代理团队在将其交付给代理之前对潜在客户进行资格鉴定和培养.
  • 跟进老板:从许多来源收集线索,并提供一个界面来跟踪你与他们的沟通.
  • FiveStreet: Consolidates leads from different sources, links to your email account,and can provide email and text-message auto responses to new leads.
  • TaskBullet: Provides virtual assistants that handle tasks such as marketing, administrative support, following up with clients, managing your calendar, and responding to emails.
  • MyOutDesk: A real estate-specific virtual assistant service that can call leads, screen and qualify them, regularly follow up, and run automated content campaigns to keep them engaged.

Inside sales agents make cold calls, respond to inbound leads, follow up with leads in the system, and eventually convert leads into appointments for other agents. According to a survey from real estate consulting firm Real Trends, 46% of real estate teams use inside sales agents.

他在2010年创立了The Heyl Group,每个工作日都要打4到10个小时的陌生电话, 2012年,海尔雇佣了他的第一个内部销售代理:一名按小时计费的兼职代理. His inside sales team eventually grew into Phone Animal, 为2021十大正规彩票app团队和抵押贷款机构提供远程内部销售支持的公司.

“Agents have lots of things on their plates and only get paid when deals close, 所以他们总是倾向于关闭当前的业务,而不是为以后创造新的业务,” Heyl writes. “Inside sales agents help you maintain consistency in your growth.”


技术解决方案包括软件,使您更有效地维护自己的潜在客户, like programs that collect leads from paid and organic sources.Many of these solutions organize leads and track conversations. 远程服务和虚拟助理可以为您执行一些潜在客户管理任务:陌生电话, screening,following up with prospective campaigns, and running campaigns to nurture leads in your database. 选择虚拟助理的节省和灵活性,而不是有执照的内部销售代理,意味着你仍然必须自己处理任务和对话.

Daniel Ramsey, CEO of MyOutDesk, a real estate-specific virtual assistant service, 他说,他的公司提供的虚拟助理可以把代理花在行政任务上的时间解放出来,这样他们就可以专注于勘探. 虚拟助理还可以代表销售人员执行内部销售代理的任务,such as calling prospects about events, keeping in touch with a salesperson’s sphere of influence, handling inbound calls, or responding to emails.

拉姆齐说,他的公司为正在发展业务的大中型球队和经纪人提供服务, starting to prospect, might have already hired an assistant, and are focused on increasing the number of transactions they close per year.

“我们很容易利用他们的内部员工,让他们专注于授权活动,” Ramsey says.

对于不感兴趣或准备建立自己的内部销售代理团队的代理商或团队,远程服务是投资创建一致的销售渠道的好方法, according to Heyl.

“Of course, they can have more control when building in house, and I always encourage ultimately building in house,” Heyl writes.”However, success is sequential, not simultaneous. You can’t do everything at once, 在建立一个伟大的企业的道路上,代理商还需要掌握其他的角色和制度.”

Don’t solicit other brokers’ clients

When implementing your lead-generation strategy, 请记住,NAR的道德准则禁止您招揽潜在客户,如果她已经与其他REALTOR®提供的服务有独家代理协议.

For a listing agreement, 这意味着您通常被禁止征求目前仅与其他人一起列出的列表. Exceptions under the Code include:

  • General announcements, such as mailers based on geographic area, 这并不针对目前与另一家经纪商有独家上市协议的卖家.
  • 是卖家而不是你发起了关于房源的讨论, 在这种情况下,你可以讨论的条款,你可能会进入一个上市后,卖方目前的上市到期.