Certain multiple 清单 services in Texas have recently added an option for brokers to list properties as 即将到来的. 通常, this status means the seller isn’t ready to list the property as 活跃的 and needs time to make updates, 维修, 解决法律问题, 诸如此类. The benefit to 清单 brokers is that they’re able to gain exposure for their 清单s prior to 活跃的 status.

选择 即将到来的 在MLS状态很容易在几次点击完成, but many 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® have questions about its effect in their day-to-day practice of real estate.

以下的问题和答案提供了澄清 即将到来的 美国职业足球大联盟的地位. But remember, always check your MLS’s rules to ensure you’re in compliance.

经纪人是否可以决定一个上市是否可以被标记为 即将到来的?

No. 将属性列出为的决定 即将到来的 应该是卖方的. 否则, 上市经纪人可能有违反《操守守则》的风险, 违反TREC第531条规定的受托责任.1,并可能违反公平住房法. TREC广告规则也可能适用. 即将到来的 status is not intended to give the 清单 broker a competitive advantage or avoid 清单 a property on the market.

Keep in mind that the 清单 broker is acting on behalf of the seller and needs to make sure all decisions are made to benefit the seller. The 清单 broker cannot put his self-interest above the seller’s.

经纪人可以在MLS中列出房产吗 即将到来的 没有上市协议?

No. The MLS rules require a broker to have a signed 清单 agreement or certification before submitting a property to the MLS, 即使还没准备好展示.

如果你的MLS没有 即将到来的 option?

向你的MLS咨询一下它是如何处理场外上市的. 大多数mls都采用了场外上市的示范规则. This occurs when the seller refuses to permit the 清单 to be disseminated to the participants, 但它仍在美国职业足球大联盟备案.

一个物业可以登记多长时间 即将到来的 在大联盟?

这取决于你的MLS规则. Some MLSs define a specific timeframe, such as 14 days, while others have no limit. 如果上市是 即将到来的 在将状态更新为活动状态的截止日期之前未更改状态. 例如, one MLS automatically changes the 清单 to off-market status and has restrictions on when the 清单 can be resubmitted as 即将到来的.

Three reasons why the seller should decide whether a property is 即将到来的

A seller should be the one who decides whether a property will be listed as 即将到来的; otherwise, 上市经纪人的决定可能会引发危险信号. 这是为什么.

  • Texas Real Estate Commission rules require brokers to represent the interest of the client and not place the broker’s personal interest above the client’s.
  • Article 1 of the 道德守则 requires REALTORS® to pledge themselves to protect and promote the best interest of their clients.
  • Article 3 of the 道德守则 requires REALTORS® to cooperate with other brokers, 除非合作不符合客户的最佳利益. Standard of Practice 3-10 further provides that the duty to cooperate relates to the obligation to share information on listed property and make it available to other brokers for showing to a prospective purchaser when it is in the best interests of sellers.

上市经纪人能否出示 即将到来的 只有一个特工住在这里?

是的, but only if the seller directs the 清单 broker to allow the showing. 否则,列出的属性为 即将到来的 不应该对外开放吗. 也, be careful to avoid any practices that violate—or may appear to violate—fair housing rules, such as restricting individuals belonging to protected classes from viewing the property.

If the seller allows one agent to show the property, does that mean she has to allow all agents?

No. A seller is not obligated to allow other showings even if she has let one agent show the property. However, if the home is ready to show, it’s a good idea to change the status 在大联盟 to 活跃的. 一定要检查你的MLS规则.

可以一个 即将到来的 在进入美国职业足球大联盟之前,所有的财产都要签订合同?

是的. If the seller wishes to sell the property before the 清单 goes 活跃的, it is her right to do so. However, MLS rules may still require that the sale be reported to the MLS.

上市经纪人可否向买方经纪人收取费用,让他看一份 即将到来的 清单?

只有在卖方指示下才这样做. Remember that a broker represents the interest of the client and should not place the broker’s personal interest above the client’s.